When you are a subscriber to Best Coast Pairings you have the option to create an Organization. Organizations can have multiple user assigned to various permissions such as "Tournament Organizer" which allows them to see the Orgs events like their own. As long as the logged in user has been assigned to an Organization they can create events for the Organization. Events run under the Org also show on the Calendar for the Org, are labeled in the event search as being for the org and can have rankings submitted for that organization without need for a token and most importantly can share a single bank account. This process is the same in Web, iOS or Android.
2. Click on ORGANIZE

3. Click on NEW EVENT

4. Choose the Organization you want the event to be created under
If you do not want to create the event under an Organization choose "self" otherwise choose the Organization this event will belong to

5. Continue to set up the event as normal

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