Resetting a Round on Web
In the event that a round has not paired correctly or you needed to make changes in a previous round and then repair the round, you can reset to the previous round and then repair the results for the current round. As a reminder, this will remove any results that have already been submitted for the current round. Warning: you cannot reset an event back into Swiss rounds once it has move to Top Cut. You can only reset Swiss rounds in Swiss and Top Cut rounds in a Top Cut.
1. Click on ORGANIZE

2. Open Your Event

3. Click on Reset

4. Choose the round to reset to the end of

5. Click on RESET

6. Click on OK
Warning: you will lose any score input in the current round or any rounds after the round you are resetting back to

7. Click on Pairings

8. Click on FINALIZE ROUND and advance to Next round

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